Your best life story is waiting for you

Begin Creating Your Dreams

Unlock your potential to create the life you really want.

You’re here because you have the courage to begin again. That belief alone is the first step toward living your greatest success story. Loss, trauma, health conditions, and other setbacks are embedded within the greatest life stories in history. Don’t let them stand in your way of greatness.

You have the power to heal

I know because I’ve hit the bottom. I’ve experienced the lowest lows life can bring. As a child at age 5, I was also labeled as overly sensitive and medicated.

I became a meth addict at 18, diagnosed with bipolar at 19 only to be a young dad a year later. Later divorced at 23, falling back into addiction for the next few years. Then I found love and my life changed forever I was given a taste of the beautiful depth life has to offer. After only 9 months of marriage, it was ripped out of my hands by death as my wife passed of cancer only 2 months after giving birth to our beautiful daughter. Broken is an understatement, years passed hobbling along with the simple tools I had but never addressed the underlying limiting beliefs.

Yet life is kind and granted me a second chance at love. This time even more beautiful and deeper than before as I had grown. However, I still struggled, living with an ego that didn’t allow me to make the necessary changes I needed to maintain love. Now, in my own ignorance, I lost the greatest love of my life. Beyond devastated, I ended up in the ER twice as I could not trust myself to be alone. It was there in the ER I knew that if I stayed on this path I would not survive my own life.

Something had to change, I had to Change

Today I’m standing here - the strongest, happiest version of myself, and every day I grow a little more in love with my life. It wasn’t an easy road to get here. I’m here to share my journey with you, so you can recognize that you also have the power to come back from anything.

If you’re struggling to come back from loss, mental health setbacks, or the tight grips of addiction, you’ve come to the right place.

Ready to take the next step? I’m here to show you A NEW WAY of life that will make you excited to get out of bed in the morning again. Are you ready to dream again?